Shop / The Twelve Months
septemberThe name September originates from the Latin word septem (seven), as it was the seventh month in the Roman calendar, which began in March.
In Germanic culture this month was called Holzmond (month of wood), Herbstmond (autumn month) or Scheiding (separating), since this is when the warm summer takes leave and the cold season begins, starting with autumn ripeness.
22nd-23rd September, equinox, is the astronomical beginning of autumn. The strongest winds blow during spring (March) and autumn (September) equinox.
A strong upwind can clear the head and broaden the view!

Did you know: If September and October are warm and sunny, this is referred to as an Altweibersommer (literally “older woman‘s summer”) - although weiben means to weave and refers to the work of spiders, i.e. spinning a web. However, in sunlight these spider‘s webs have the appearance of the thin, grey hair of an older woman, thus explaining the word Altweibersommer.

Art Faksimile-Kunstdruck nach original Bleistift-Tusche-Handzeichnung
Originalgröße 419 x 296 mm
Gedruckt auf 594 x 420 mm
