Shop / The Twelve Months

November derives its name from the Latin word novem (nine), as it was the ninth month in the Roman calendar.
In the Germanic cultural sphere it was called Nebelung (fogging), as well as Windmond (wind month) or Wintermond (winter month). The leaves have fallen, cold fog darkens the world, vegetation retreats underground and gathers its energy in its roots; animals commence hibernating or winter rest in dark, safe hollows.
It is the time of the subconscious and the unconscious, the discovery of previously forbidden treasures in the darkness of forgetfulness: an unimagined wealth that can be brought to life!
Art Faksimile-Kunstdruck nach original Bleistift-Tusche-Handzeichnung
Originalgröße 419 x 296 mm
Gedruckt auf 594 x 420 mm

22.00 €